
Blog tagged as Education

Get Your Bitcoin While Your Bank Still Allows It.

Welcome to another Riveting Rake Review as August delivered on some volatility and news again. From Supply shocks, to Aussie Banking issues, to ETF's, to Russian Billionaires accidentally being blown up, we go around the world as Bitcoin quietly counts down to the next halving in April.

29.08.23 09:03 AM - Comment(s)
Everyone Gets the Bitcoin Price They Deserve: Timing & Conviction

In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin stands out as a pioneering stalwart. But when it comes to buying Bitcoin, there's an old adage that goes, “Everyone gets the price they deserve." This phrase may sound philosophical at first, but it carries deep financial wisdom, especi...

02.08.23 02:28 AM - Comment(s)
RBA Governor to be Replaced

Welcome to another jam packed Rake Review as July delivered on news and controversy again. From Central Banks, to Regional Banks, to BRICS, to China, to new listings that claim to be the answer "Worldcoin", we go around the world as Bitcoin quietly counts down to the next halving in April.

28.07.23 02:47 AM - Comment(s)
"The 'C' students run the world"

The 33rd President of the United States, Harry S Truman is credited with the quote "The 'C' students run the world". Truman was incredible at understanding people and communication. A keen student of human psychology Truman, knew every white house employee by name in...

26.07.23 02:31 AM - Comment(s)
Mastering Risk Management in Cryptocurrency Trading

The allure of the cryptocurrency market, with its rapid growth and volatility, has attracted both new and seasoned investors alike. While assets like Bitcoin have revolutionised the way we perceive global finance, they also come with their fair share of risks. Effective risk management is the corner...

19.07.23 01:36 AM - Comment(s)
SEC Declares War on Crypto Exchanges in the US

There are 2 weeks to go until the end of the Financial year in Australia. Are you ready with your tax strategy? We will discuss this later but first we have so much news in such a short period of time. The SEC is going to war with the largest crypto exchanges in the world while declaring more and mo...

16.06.23 04:44 AM - Comment(s)

The recent lawsuits filed by the SEC against Binance and Coinbase have sparked discussions about the classification of cryptocurrencies as securities. The Howey Test, a legal framework used by the SEC to determine whether an investment qualifies as a security, plays a crucial role in these debates. ...

15.06.23 03:01 AM - Comment(s)

Throughout history, gold has held a prominent place in human civilization, representing wealth, power, and stability. In the United States, the relationship between the government and gold has had its share of significant events, including the infamous "Great Gold Confiscation" in the 20th...

15.06.23 03:01 AM - Comment(s)

If you're delving into the world of cryptocurrencies, you've likely come across terms like "Hashing" and "SHA-256". In this piece, we'll explore the significance of SHA-256, a vital component of cryptocurrency security, especially Bitcoin. Without diving too deep into the mathema...

02.06.23 12:50 AM - Comment(s)
Full Faith & Credit 

May 2023 proved to be a rollercoaster month in the world of economics and cryptocurrency. The (All Powerful & Mighty) United States, teetered on the brink of debt default. The debt ceiling was maxed and the Democrats and Republicans tussled for an agreement over raising the level of borrowing th...

31.05.23 05:55 AM - Comment(s)
Where are we in the Market Cycle?

April has been an interesting and volatile month (as we tend to have in crypto), with much industry news (discussed later) and market moves. Bitcoin is up around 8% for the month and the sentiment is more positive. So, it is a good time to ask ourselves where we are in the market cycle of crypto and...

28.04.23 07:23 AM - Comment(s)
Then They Fight You

A LOT of important things happened this month in markets, and we hope you’ll enjoy this month’s Rake Review as we cut through some of the economic jargon.  It is an important one and we've done our best to give high signal so we hope you enjoy.

High Level Events
  • The banking crisis continues but t...
31.03.23 05:23 AM - Comment(s)
Narratives Fade But Bitcoin is Forever
As summer draws to a close we’re excited to share some positive news from the world of crypto. February saw Bitcoin hit a new 2023 high as sentiment did likewise. We are trending sideways, however those that bought BTC sub $20,000 USD & ETH sub $1,300 USD are now laughing. They have effectively ...
28.02.23 02:53 AM - Comment(s)
Dissecting The Crypto Market Surge of 2023
It brings us great pleasure to write this Rake Review on a positive note after...
31.01.23 03:26 AM - Comment(s)
Happy Holidays From Stormrake
Firstly, a huge thank you to you, our readers and of course our loyal clients. We do it for you and we can’t do it without you. Thank you for sticking with us through thick and thin. It’s been on the thin end this year but there is still hope of a turnaround next year. The good news is that if you s...
21.12.22 12:46 AM - Comment(s)
Understanding Paper Bitcoin 
We all know that the amount of physical Gold in the world is dwarfed by the amount of paper Gold. Paper Gold is derivatives (futures and forwards) but also gold certificates and gold deposit paper. Essentially, someone else holds your gold and you think you own it.

I have no issue with derivatives be...
30.11.22 05:00 AM - Comment(s)
A Beginners Guide To Crypto Self-Custody

In light of recent events concerning the collapse of FTX, the opaque nature of centralised exchanges and the importance of self-custody has been brought to light.
In today's Thunder Trading Update, we aim to educate our readers on how to start your self-custody journey and why it's so important to g...

18.11.22 12:43 AM - Comment(s)
Bitcoin Provides Strongest Buy Signal in Months
Let’s do something a little different this month.

Here’s a short story a Rabbi once told (Thanks Rabbi Motti):

A poor man in Odessa heard about a distant land where the streets were paved with gold; the precious metal were as commonplace as the dust of the earth. Despairing of his financial future at ...
31.10.22 05:17 AM - Comment(s)
Arbitrum: Airdrop Inbound 

Arbitrum is lighting up the crypto trading community with activity as speculation around an airdrop gains momentum. In today's Thunder Trading update, we will jump into the vibrant Arbitrum ecosystem and learn about the hype.

On Aug. 31, 2021, Offchain Labs, the company behin...
16.10.22 01:19 PM - Comment(s)
Bitcoin gathers momentum as national currencies stumble 

When Satoshi Nakamoto mined the very first Bitcoin Block he (or she or them) inserted reference to the front page of The Times 3 Jan 2009. The front page carried headlines of another Bank bailout off the back of the Global financial crisis. 

13 years later, we pulled the following headline from ...

30.09.22 06:47 AM - Comment(s)